Obaatanpa Radio Online

3-year-old Boy Died In A Well


A three (3) year old boy, Assuming Israel has drowned in a well at Nerebehi New-Site in the Atwima Nwabiagya South Municipality in the Ashanti Region.

According to the distraught mother of the deceased, Mrs Brago Gladys, her son was playing with Eight (8) year old Kwaku Blessing in the house of Pastor Abraham whose son is Kweku Blessing. Both houses share a common wall

She further narrated that the pastor’s son pushed her 3-year-old son, Assuming Israel into the Well situated in the house of the Pastor and unfortunately, her son landed into the Well and died.

Mr Brago said the disturbing part was that the Pastor and his wife did not inform her about the death of her son, rather they took the body to the morgue and later told her that her son was unwell so he was receiving treatment at Afari Hospital.

Mrs Birago added that when she went to the hospital, the nurses on duty told her that her son was responding to the treatment; not knowing according to her, it was a carnival between the nurses, the pastor and his wife to tell her as such

“It was after I bought folder and medicines that the nurses told me that my son passed on before he was brought to the hospital”

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