Obaatanpa Radio Online

34-year-old Woman Found Dead In A Toilet At Kasoa-Opeikuma

Dead in Lactrine

34-year-old woman Nafisah Mensah found dead in a pit latrine at Christ The Shepherd Prayer Camp located at Opaikuma in the Awutu Senya East Municipality in the central region.

Narrating the incident to the media, the Owner of the Prayer Camp, Most Rev Comfort Ntiamoah said Nafisah Mensah was mentally unstable and was brought to the prayer camp but she has been treated and discharged but they are still leaving in the Prayer Camp.

She further narrated that Nafisa got missing on the morning of Saturday, July 3, 2021, and several searches were conducted but could not lead to her whereabouts.

On the fourth day of the search, one church member gave a hint that she overheard Nafisa’s mother Madam Aisha telling someone on the telephone that her daughter said she will fall into the pit latrine because life was not fair to her.

This convinced them to check from the pit latrine and hold and behold there laid the decomposing body of Nafisa in the pit latrine

However, Rev Ntiamoah blamed the mother of the deceased, Madam Aisha not alerting them the very first day she fell into the latrine

The mother of the deceased, Madam Aisha in a sorrowful mood, said she went to buy maize porridge(Koko) for the baby of the deceased; when she returned, the deceased was nowhere to be found, therefore she decided to look for her and during the checks, she saw the body of Nafisa lying in the pit latrine but she did not tell anyone at that material moment

The Awutu Senya East NADMO Director, Mr Kwame Amoah explained that they need to demolish the whole toilet facilities before the body can be removed.

He added that the mother who was taking care of the deceased will be handed over to the police for her refusal to inform the owner of the prayer camp and the police.

The deceased left four children

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