Obaatanpa Radio Online

4 things you should ask any travel and tour agent before you give out your money

Travel agents are here to stay, therefore, there’s the need for a traveler to do due diligence before booking one or better still trusting a travel and tour agent/agency with his or her money.

While many travellers feel confident enough to put their own trip together online, travel agents can still play an invaluable role for helping people navigate changing travel regulations and a multitude of holiday and job deals.

Whether booking online or in-store, here are four (4) key things to remember before trusting your hard-earned money into the hands of a travel and tour agent according to Ruthy who has vast traveling experience.

  1. Accommodation
  2. Condition of service
  3. Job description
  4. Offer letter *

So, the above-mentioned stuff should be put in place before a traveller can be certain of good fortune in his or her next destination.

According to Ruthy, the fourth point which is the offer letter is one important requirement any traveler should request from his agent/agency as it gives many details about the job offer.

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