Obaatanpa Radio Online

Give 10% Of Tithe You Collect To GRA As E-tithe” – KSM To GH Pastors


KSM is urging Ghanaian pastors to return to Caesar what he says is rightfully theirs.

The Ghanaian humorist is calling on pastors who support the E-levy to put his words into action by paying tithing from the tithe they receive from their church members.

Mr Kwaku Sintim-Misa expressed his dissatisfaction with the Christian Council of Ghana in a social media post that he posted.

“Dear CHRISTIAN COUNCIL, kindly donate 10% of all the Tithe Churches collect to the GRA. Let’s call it E-TITHE. Support the E- LEVY for GH to become “like Europe “. (Practice what you Preach a beg),” he tweeted.

Since then, KSM’s tweet has sparked a heated discussion on the microblogging site. Take a look at some of the comments below:

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