Obaatanpa Radio Online

Achimota School: Rejected Rasta student set to lead team in NMSQ

Tyrone Iras Marhguy, the Rastafarian student whom Achimota School initially denied admission on the basis that he could not wear his dreadlocks, is set to represent the school in the upcoming National Science and Maths Quiz(NMSQ) championship scheduled to take place later this year.

Tyrone Iras Marhguy was in March 2021 refused admission when he initially reported to the school after the Computerized School Selection and Placement System (CSSPS) had placed his name there. School authorities, supported heavily by its old students’ association, justified the denial, explaining that wearing Rasta hair amounted to a violation of the rules and regulations of the school and had the potential to breed indiscipline in the school.

Tyrone Iras Marhguy sued the school and in May 2021, The Human Rights Court 1 Division of the High Court in Accra ordered Achimota School to admit the dreadlocked Tyrone Iras Marhguy.

The exceptionally brilliant Marhguy sat his end-of-semester examination and passed with flying colors despite not having attended classes like his colleagues. He even reportedly obtained the highest score in Elective Mathematics and Integrated Science among his cohort in the science class.

Later that year, Marhguy was selected to be part of the school’s prestigious National Science and Maths Quiz(NSMQ) team on merit.

Now in his final year, Master Marhguy is set to lead the National Science and Maths Quiz (NSMQ) team in this year’s programme, according to reliable sources.

“#AchimotaAt96 🎹 Last month, our @nsmqghana team participated in a Trial session as we prepared for the upcoming quiz season.

We encourage all members of our community to reach out to the team and help equip them for a successful season,” the official social media handles of the school said.

Supporters of Master Marhguy, who are happy that he has not disappointed them, are calling out the school authorities for having attempted to deny the young his right to education and the school itself his brilliance.

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