Obaatanpa Radio Online

It was not easy being in the grip of the NIB – Dr Agordzo

ACP Agordzo

In a shocking revelation, former Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Benjamin Agordzo, recently acquitted and discharged over an alleged coup plot, has exposed the harrowing conditions he endured during his detention by the National Investigations Bureau (NIB).

Speaking on JoyNews’ Up-front on Thursday, January 25, Mr. Agordzo described his detention as “inhumane,” shedding light on the uncertainties, lack of external information, and difficulties in receiving visitors.

The embattled ACP highlighted the arduous process for visitors to reach detainees, often taking six to seven hours, resulting in abandoned attempts.

Mr. Agordzo questioned the legitimacy of the procedures followed by the NIB, emphasising the subculture practised, limited access to a lawyer, and the Bureau conducting interrogations without legal representation.

“Anytime somebody is arrested in Ghana, the common thing we say is let the law take its course, due process. Do you know the kind of due process that is taking its course in NIB?” he questioned, expressing concerns over the lack of transparency and accountability in the system.

Agordzo underscored the need for a more transparent and accountable system within the police service and other security agencies. Despite facing challenges, he affirmed his commitment to standing up for justice, reflecting on his past experiences challenging the system.

“Well, I have never regretted my speaking out because, at the time I spoke out, I had served the police service for about 32 years,” he emphasised.

Six individuals implicated in the alleged coup plot have been convicted for conspiracy to commit high treason and committing high treason.

However, ACP Benjamin Agordzo, Colonel Gameli, and another junior military officer, Corporal Seidu Abubakar, have been acquitted.

The charges, dating back to April 24, 2021, involved Dr. Frederick Yao Mac-Palm, the late Chief Executive Officer of Citadel Hospital, ACP Dr. Agordzo, and eight others, facing various charges, including conspiracy to high treason, abetment to high treason, and high treason.

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