Obaatanpa Radio Online

GRA staff must declare their assets – ISSER on curbing corruption at the ports


The Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER) has called for Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) staff to declare their assets as part of stringent measures to curb corruption and enhance efficiency at Ghana’s ports.

In its 2024 Mid-Year Budget Review, titled “A Critical Assessment of the 2024 Mid-Year Budget by ISSER,” the institute highlights the necessity for structural reforms to tackle revenue leakages and improve tax collection.

ISSER emphasizes the significance of transparency and accountability among GRA staff. To ensure GRA personnel do not engage in or form firms involved in clearing services until five years post-retirement, the review recommends the completion of asset declaration forms by all staff members.

This measure aims to prevent conflicts of interest and maintain the focus of GRA staff on their official duties.

“Additionally, GRA staff should complete asset declaration forms and not engage with or establish firms involved in clearing services until five years after retirement. The ports are major sources of revenue, and sealing leakages can significantly shore up the Tax GDP ratio,” the review continues.

Recognizing the ports as vital revenue sources for Ghana, ISSER argues that addressing inefficiencies and corrupt practices at these entry points can significantly boost the country’s Tax GDP ratio.

A key recommendation is the harmonization of government agencies operating at the ports to reduce human interaction and, consequently, revenue losses.

One of the main strategies proposed is the biennial rotation of personnel stationed at the ports to prevent the establishment of corrupt practices.

The review states, “Harmonize the number of government agencies operating at the ports to reduce the human interface and revenue losses, thus reducing rent-seeking activities by personnel collecting revenues at the port. This can also be achieved by rotating personnel stationed at the ports every two years.”

By implementing these recommendations, ISSER believes Ghana can enhance its fiscal health and develop a more transparent and efficient port operation system.

These proposals are part of broader fiscal measures aimed at improving revenue generation and expenditure control to stabilize Ghana’s economy and promote sustainable growth.


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