Obaatanpa Radio Online

Election 2024: We’re ready for trouble makers – REGSEC warns

Election 2024

The Greater Accra Regional Security Council (REGSEC) has issued a strong warning against all forms of electoral violence ahead of the 2024 General Elections.

The council, led by Chairman Daniel Titus-Glover, emphasised that adequate security measures have been put in place to prevent any disturbances similar to those witnessed during the recent elections in Kenya.

During a simulation exercise conducted by the National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO) in the region, Titus-Glover urged everyone to refrain from any form of violence.

He warned that anyone planning to cause trouble should abandon their intentions immediately, as security forces are fully prepared to respond to any situation during the December polls.

Titus-Glover also cautioned against inciting violence, urging individuals to refuse any calls to commit violence and instead tell those who are inciting them to send their children.

He emphasised that the security forces will swiftly act decisively against anyone involved in violence.

“I urge everyone to refrain from any form of violence, anyone planning to cause trouble should abandon such intentions immediately as we are fully prepared to respond to any situation in the December Polls.”

“If someone tries to incite you to commit violence refuse and tell them to send their own children instead. Let it be known that the security forces will swiftly act decisively against anyone involved in violence.”

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