Obaatanpa Radio Online

12 Victims of Goaso-Mim Road Accident Laid to Rest at Mim Methodist Park

The community of Mim was shrouded in grief as 12 individuals, who tragically lost their lives in a road accident on the Goaso-Mim highway, were laid to rest today at the Mim Methodist Park. The victims, all workers of the Infix Wood Processing Company, were on their way to work when the fatal accident occurred on Friday, 6th September.

The solemn ceremony was attended by family members, friends, local residents, and traditional leaders. The outpouring of sorrow and support was evident as the community came together to mourn the lives lost in the devastating incident.

The Mim Manhene, Dr. Okofrobour Nana Yaw Agyei II, who was present at the funeral, addressed the gathered crowd with a somber message. He lamented the tragic loss of life and emphasized that the accident may have been influenced by a disregard for traditional laws and customs on the land.

In his remarks, the Manhene highlighted that certain taboos, which are central to Mim’s cultural practices, had been violated. “Fridays are a sacred day in our land, and it is a taboo to go to farms on this day,” he stated. He further explained that the land also disapproves of the rearing of pigs, which, according to the traditional beliefs, brings about spiritual impurity and displeases the land.

Dr. Okofrobour Nana Yaw Agyei II urged the community to adhere to these long-standing cultural practices, stressing that failure to do so can result in calamities, as the land holds spiritual significance for the well-being of the people. He called on residents to respect the laws of the land to prevent future tragedies.

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