Obaatanpa Radio Online

Innovation and Levelheadedness Are Emir Ceric’s Two Secret Elements for Success

Success is elusive and requires a lot of sacrifices and efforts to achieve. Most people struggle with their pursuit of success because they don’t know what ingredients to put together to make the right elixir. Through his years of experience, Emir Ceric has discovered that the magical success potion entails innovation and practicality.

Emir Ceric is the CEO of Meveto and VEEVUS. For his first-ever venture VEEVUS, back in 2009, he used up all his savings. This business has today become a market leader for threads and tinsels. Emir’s contributions to the business world have seen him feature in publications such as Tech Times, CEO World, Yahoo, and Business Insider. He strongly believes in building new things because innovation is indeed the future.

Speaking about innovation as an ingredient for success, Emir states that the world needs innovators today more than ever. Technology is continuing to challenge the boundaries of the world as we know it, creating room for creativity and innovation. The world is looking for new, fresh ideas and inventions. Therefore, innovation will not only set you apart from others in the industry but also make you a frontrunner in the journey to success. Your ability to create and offer something unique to the market will give you a competitive edge.

The other ingredient that Emir focuses on is practicality. He notes that it is one thing to be innovative, but success could be elusive if you don’t have practical ideas and solutions to the problems. Practicality equips you with the power of understanding how things work and it also encourages personal growth. Learning and absorbing information is essential, but practicality comes in when you know how to apply that knowledge to real-life situations, says Emir.

The secret ingredients to success have been revealed by Emir Ceric. Now, it is up to you to mold yourself into an innovative and practical person in order to succeed.

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