Obaatanpa Radio Online

Adwoa Safo will be treated fairly – Privileges Committee member

Adowa Safo

A member of Parliament’s Privileges Committee, Michael Okyere Baafi has assured that Dome-Kwabenya Member of Parliament, Sarah Adwoa Safo, will be treated fairly when she appears before the committee over her absenteeism.

According to him, the Committee will at all times offer a fair platform to everyone who appears before it to explain the circumstances leading to their invitation and to express remorse for their actions if the need be.

He added that members will not allow their personal sentiments to get in the way of giving the MP a fair hearing.

Michael Okyere Baafi, NPP MP for New Juaben South, whiles responding to a question on the ‘summons’ said:

“I’m sure they will be fair to her because she is a Member of Parliament. She is still a Member of Parliament. We should be able to work well. We are working as professionals, working in the interest of Ghana not our own whims and caprices…things to suit ourselves and what we stand for.

“We believe we should be able to do things fairly and giving people the benefit of doubt to express their opinion and also to show remorse or to tell us their opinion about an issue. We will not behave like that [treat her unfairly],” he told Joy News Parliamentary correspondent Kwesi Parker Wilson.

On Tuesday, April 5, Speaker of Parliament Alban Bagbin referred Sarah Adwoa Safo together with Henry Quartey and Kennedy Agyapong to the Privileges Committee for reportedly absenting themselves for over 15 consecutive sittings without permission.

The Privileges Committee is expected to invite the MPs and hear any reasonable explanation they have to offer after which they have two weeks to present a report to the House upon resumption from recess.

The Majority caucus has been very critical of the Dome – Kwabenya MP over her absence from Parliament since the beginning of this year.

Michael Okyere Baafi, Frank Annoh-Dompreh and Kennedy Agyapong, are on record to have accused her of stalling government business in Parliament due to her absence.


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