Obaatanpa Radio Online

Aggrieved jobless nurses pitch camp at the premises of Parliament

Some disgruntled student nurses have set up camp on the grounds of Parliament and are clamoring for immediate employment.

Before Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta presented the 2022 Mid-Year Budget Review, the nurses were already on the grounds of Parliament. They had sworn not to leave until the government hired them.

Some of the disgruntled nurses claimed they had been living at home for well over two years following the end of their employment.

Some said “We don’t understand why we have accessed the portal together with the diploma and degree students and we are still in the house. The degree holders are at the post and the diploma holders too are at the post but we are still in the house.

“Right now, we are burdens to our families. Some of them are thinking that we failed our exams, which is not so.”

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