Obaatanpa Radio Online

Akosombo belongs to the Akwamus, not Krobos – NAPO slams striking Krobo youth over ECG fallout

Energy Minister, Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh has said no group of people in the country can get up and claim the Akosombo Dam was built on their land hence they won’t pay electricity bills as the Krobos are doing.

He mentioned this in a new interview on Asempa FM hinged on the prevailing confusion between the Electricity Company of Ghana and a section of the people in the Krobo areas of the Eastern Region.

The minister said during the interview that he had conferred with traditional leaders in the area and has asked that they meet with the ECG for an amicable settlement to allow the power supplier to resume service to the area.

NAPO also ripped into the so-called agreement the first president of Ghana, Dr Kwame Nkrumah had with the Krobos wherein he allegedly exempted them from paying electricity bills for the sole reason that the Akosombo Dam is on their land.

“No one can claim that they will not pay their electricity bill. With due respect, if ECG and NEDCo supply you with light and you refuse to pay, then you don’t deserve it.

Akosombo does not belong to the Krobo people, it belongs to the people of Akwamufie, even the people whose land was used to build the Akosombo Dam are not on strike. They have no legitimate claim to refusing to pay their electricity bills.

“They (sections of Krobo youth) claim Kwame Nkrumah said 50 years after Akosombo, they shouldn’t pay for electricity, that claim is illegitimate,” the Minister stressed.

Meanwhile, the chiefs and opinion leaders of the Krobos have serially denied the existence of that agreement.

SOURCE: www.Ghbase.com

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