Obaatanpa Radio Online

Armed Robbers on motorbike shot lady to death and bolted with her mobile phone

young lady

A young lady has been shot dead last night at about 9:30 pm at Maxima junction in Kumasi

According to Eyewitness, two suspected armed men on a motorbike opened fire at her after she had alighted from a vehicle from Ejisu to Kumasi.

The robbers told her to release her handbag to them but she resisted where they shot her on the throat and bolt away with her mobile phone.
The victim was rushed to the Tech Hospital and was pronounced dead upon arrival.

“I was buying my fruit when I heard a gunshot, I didn’t go to the scene at the moment but some individuals called me to assist the poor lady because no one was willing to assist her. Since the lady was profusely bleeding, I moved my car to convey her to the hospital”, Eyewitness


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