Obaatanpa Radio Online

Ashanti Region: Armed robbers steal gold worth $350,000 from mining company

A report made by Graphic Online reveals armed robbers have stolen gold with a value of approximately US$350,000 when they raided the Homase site of gold ore mining company, GoldStone Resources Limited near Akrokeri in the Ashanti Region.

The mining company has stated to this effect and revealed that no one was hurt during the raid by the robbers and revealed the unfortunate development won’t have an impact on the financial performance of the company.

Graphic further added that the company which is traded on the London Stock Exchange’s AIM market for small and medium-size growth companies said its ordinary shares were temporarily suspended from trading pending the announcement of the robbery.

“The Board can now confirm that an armed robbery took place at its Homase site, which, whilst no one was hurt, resulted in a loss of gold with a value of approximately US$350k,” the statement said.

“Whilst this loss is not expected to have a material impact on the financial performance of the business, the Company was not in a position to make an announcement that was compliant with the AIM Rules, which led to a suspension in the trading of its ordinary shares on AIM whilst an investigation was launched by the authorities in Ghana”.

GoldStone Resources Limited further revealed a full scale investigation has been launched to bring the perpetrators to book.

“A new security company has been appointed and additional security measures are being implemented on an urgent basis to enhance protection for the Company’s operations, assets and personnel moving forward,” the statement said.

“These issues are causing some short-term disruption to operations, which are expected to continue into Q3 2022, but the Company expects to maintain regular production of gold doré throughout Q3 and Q4 2022.

“The suspension of the Company’s ordinary shares from trading on AIM will be lifted with effect from 7.30 a.m. today and, accordingly, trading in the ordinary shares on AIM will be restored at 8.00 a.m. today”.

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