Obaatanpa Radio Online

Ashanti Region: Dr Mensah Traders Threaten Demo Against KMA Over Unannounced Eviction

Kumasi Metropolitan Chief Executive

Angry Traders and Commercial Drivers at the Asokore-Mampong/Moshie Zongo lorry Terminal at Dr Mensah popularly called Dr Mensah at Kumasi Central Market in the Ashanti Region have threatened to demonstrate against the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) over their unannounced eviction from the place.

The Traders and Drivers who went to the market on Monday, July 20, 2021, morning to ply their daily business realized that the area has been barricaded with roofing sheets.

According to some traders, they are aware of the construction of the second phase of the Kejetia Redevelopment Project but the area is not part of the commencement of the project.

They complained that the city authorities could have announced and outlined an evacuation plan for them before any action.

According to them, they are left stranded hence, the decision to meet to set date for the demonstration.

“We are not against the project but the authorities should have informed and prepare a place for us earlier. Now we don’t have any place to go, all the satellites markets in the metropolis are all occupied, leaving us stranded,” a stranded trader said.

Asking about their next actions, they said: “we will demonstrate against the city authorities for the unfair treatment and go to the Manhyia Palace to plead with the Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II to intervene”.

Our reporter visit to the market saw some roofing sheets in the middle of the market while some part of the market is already been barricaded with the inscriptions of the Brazilian construction firm, Contracta Engenharia Limited, the f

Angry Traders and Commercial Drivers at the Asokore-Mampong/Moshie Zongo lorry Terminal at Dr Mensah popularly called Dr Mensah at Kumasi Central Market in the Ashanti Region have threatened to demonstrate against the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) over their unannounced eviction from the place.

The Traders and Drivers who went to the market on Monday, July 20, 2021, morning to ply their daily business realized that the area has been barricaded with roofing sheets.

According to some traders, they are aware of the construction of the second phase of the Kejetia Redevelopment Project but the area is not part of the commencement of the project.

They complained that the city authorities could have announced and outlined an evacuation plan for them before any action.

According to them, they are left stranded hence, the decision to meet to set date for the demonstration.

“We are not against the project but the authorities should have informed and prepare a place for us earlier. Now we don’t have any place to go, all the satellites markets in the metropolis are all occupied, leaving us stranded,” a stranded trader said.

Asking about their next actions, they said: “we will demonstrate against the city authorities for the unfair treatment and go to the Manhyia Palace to plead with the Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II to intervene”.

Our reporter visit to the market saw some roofing sheets in the middle of the market while some part of the market is already been barricaded with the inscriptions of the Brazilian construction firm, Contracta Engenharia Limited, the f

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