Obaatanpa Radio Online

Bankers send urgent warning to customers yet to link Ghana card

Ghana Card

Bankers have sent an urgent reminder ahead of July 1 as the deadline date for customers to link their bank accounts to their Ghana Cards.

Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Bankers Association, John Awuah has said although defauliting customers will not lose their accounts, but their risk profile will increase,

Mr Awauh intimated that when such consumers want to conduct business, the banks will increase due diligence if they fail to link the Card to the accounts.

“If you don’t have it and the deadline comes, yes, your account will not be closed but the risk profile for your account will just be elevated and therefore, there will be extra due diligence that the banks will ask before you can transact.

“This is a situation you don’t want to put yourself into. So for your own convenience and for your own safety, the GhanaCard also provides extra safety in terms of security features. Some banks have sent links to their customers to update their records.” he said in an interview with TV3.

Urgent warning from EOCO

The GhanaCard programme to link bank accounts is being unfairly exploited by criminals, according to a warning from the Economic and Organized Crime Office (EOCO).

According to EOCO, these fraudsters send messages to suspecting clients requesting their mobile numbers, PINs for mobile apps, and bank account information.

According to a statement released by EOCO on June 30, the company has “noticed with great worry the rate at which some members of the general public have been victims to fraudulent banking transactions.

“Fraudsters have taken advantage of the ongoing call on customers of banks to link their accounts to Ghana Card. Regarding bank fraud, the fraudulent messages are sent to individuals requesting them to click on links in order to update their bank records.

“Customers are therefore asked to provide their bank account names, Mobile numbers, Mobile App PIN, One Time Password. Some daring fraudsters even make phone calls to members of the public to request the aforementioned information.

“Do not click on any link purporting to be emanating from your bank unless you have confirmed from your bank,” EOCO warned.


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