Obaatanpa Radio Online

Be Bold And Suspend E-Levy – Dr. Opuni Frimpong To Gov’t

Dr. Opuni Frimpong

Former General Secretary of the Christian Council Of Ghana, Rev. Dr. Opuni Frimpong, has asked government to be bold and suspend the E-Levy policy which does not seem to sync well with Ghanaians.

According to him, a proactive government should be armed with other alternative policies that will help to generate enough revenue for developmental projects.

Thus, he proposes that the government suspends the e-levy temporarily and engage in further consultation and education before its reintroduction.

Speaking on Okay Fm‘s Ade Akye Abia programme, he pointed out that considering the stiff opposition to the E-levy by the masses, it would be prudent on the part of government to take its time to help Ghanaians understand the need for it.

To him, a government must appreciate the will of the people and not be seen to be autocratic in taking certain key decisions which may not be popular with the majority of the people.

Leaders must not just accept responsibilities for the sufferings of others while they jealously protect their comfort. Empathy in leadership must always be upheld.

“I believe that government should have a thorough discussion and stakeholder engagement to ensure that the E-Levy policy is accepted by all before implementing it,” he stated.

To further buttress his point, Dr Opuni-Frimpong, who has no aversion to taxing the people per say, added; “when the government introduced VAT, the whole nation was up in arms against it. During that time, the NPP was in opposition and the NDC was in power.

“What they did better during that time was that due to the opposition to the VAT, the government temporarily suspended its implementation and engaged Ghanaians to understand the need for it before bringing it back….Countries across the world developed through taxes and so the payment of taxes are good.”

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