Obaatanpa Radio Online

Black Sherif cannot win a Grammy for Ghana – Afia Schwar

Black Sherif

Controversial Afia Schwar has made it into the news once again and as usual, it’s on a bad note.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with Zionfelix, Afia Schwar emphatically stated that although Black Sherif is a very good artiste but he can never win a Grammy for Ghana at the moment because he lacks home support.

Although, Afia Schwar praised Black Sherif’s talent but she still maintained her words that It will be very difficult for the young and promising talented artiste to win a Grammy.

In her own words;

He is super good. I like him. I think he is talented, but with how we lack home support, I doubt he can win a Grammy Award for Ghana

In the course of the same interview, Afia Schwarzenegger additionally asserted that Black Sherif’s achievement in his early career in the music industry is backed by a very powerful mallam

Meanwhile, many Ghanaians have ticked Black Sherif as the only artiste amongst the young skull acts to win a Grammy award.

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