Obaatanpa Radio Online

Bono Region: Goaso Krontihene found dead

Bono Region

The lifeless body of Nana Yenhyira Kwadwo Kumah, the Krontihene of the Goaso Traditional Area in the Bono Region, has been discovered in a bush near the town.

The discovery has thrown the entire Goaso township into a state of mourning.

The Ahafo Regional Police Command has begun investigations into the incident.

The body has been deposited at the Goaso Government Hospital mortuary.

Richard Kwabena Acheampong, son of the late chief in an interview indicated that “From the eyewitness, they found him under a certain tree. He was lying prostrate but he was lifeless.

“His clothes were not torn, there was no blood anywhere, there was no evidence of struggle or anything. There was nothing like that. The body is at the Goaso Government Hospital and the police have been involved.”

The police are investigating the cause of death.

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