Obaatanpa Radio Online

Calls for Ofori-Atta’s sack: Akufo-Addo speaks to Fellow Ghanaians on Sunday


Barring any last minute changes, the Commander-In-Chief of the Ghana Armed Forces Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo is expected to address Fellow Ghanaians on the raging calls for the dismissal of Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta.

Sources within the Presidency reveals to MyNewsGh.com has learnt that the President Akufo-Addo will also be speaking on state of the Ghanaian economy which has been a trigger of increasing cost of living amidst skyrocketing prices of goods and services.

This address will be on October 30, 2022, this portal learnt

This will be after he has met with his cabinet and was briefed on the state of the economy by the Economic Management Team.

The President will be expected to provide an update on Ghana’s bailout being sought from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and also on steps being taken by his government to address economic challenges bedeviling the country.

Earlier this week, the Bank of Ghana engaged Banks and the leadership of Forex Bureaus in the West African country on ways to ensure that the cedi’s fall against other currencies.

Some 80 Members of the majority Caucus in Parliament have also called on the President to as a matter of urgency sack the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori Atta, and the Minister of State at the Finance Ministry Charles Adu-Boahene.

They believe that sacking these two and bringing another great brain on board will help restore confidence in the economy and help save the sinking cedi.

They have cautioned that the failure of the government to sack these two individuals will mean that they will excuse themselves from everything related to government business on the floor of Parliament which will not give the Majority in Parliament the needed numbers.

Meanwhile, the leadership of the New Patriotic Party says it has stepped in to address the concerns expressed by the 80 Parliamentarians.

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