Obaatanpa Radio Online


Data Protection commission, agency mandated to ensure the institutionalization of data Governance in the the processing of personal data by both public and private organizations has hold breakfast meeting with CSO’s to climaxed 2023 data week in Accra.

The week-long celebration which began from Monday 24th January 2023 and ends on Tuesday 31st January 2023 was under the theme:Data Governance for safe digitised space”.

The celebration is to educate the general public, institution and various actors in the digital space on Governance in securing the privacy and personal data of individuals.

The opening of the Data Protection week celebration was held in Kumasi in the Ashanti Region at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology as Part of the Commission’s plan to expand Administrative reach to other parts of the country.

Speaking to this reporter, on the sidelines, Patricia Adusei-Poku ,executive director of the Data Protection Commission said the Commission will this year focus on enforcing and auditing companies who have registered with the commission.

She entreated CEO’s business owners to register with Commission to avoid being put on the active list of non-complaint institutions.

“It is the duty of business owners and chief executive officers to train their Staffin the area of data management for the betterment of the establishment since the world is going to digital .

Deputy Minister of Communications and Digitalisation, Mis Ama Pomaa Boateng said Government intend to empower the data protection commission to be at the heart of the national transformation agenda with adoption of advanced technology in the management of data.

She called on Ghanaians to remain focused in creating the needed awareness on the importance of securing our data that we voluntarily give or inadvertently approved for use since the entire world is going digital and data has become the currency that will drive economies.

She stated that the data protection Commission has complemented efforts of government by systematically increasing national awareness of protecting the personnel data through the development of appropriate organisational structures and procedures for data controllers to follow backed by the data protection law act 843.

Miss Ama Pomaa Boateng(deputy Minister of Communications)

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