Obaatanpa Radio Online

Despite hardship Nana Akufo Addo has brought to you, I’ve no regrets campaigning for him- Samini tells Ghanaians

Samini has insisted that he won’t alter his allegiance to the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and Nana Akufo Addo despite his incompetence.

Ghana has been going through economic turmoil in recent times as prices of goods and services keep going up daily and worsening the plight of ordinary Ghanaians.

He made this pronouncement when he was hosted in the studios of GTV and a question was directed at him by a caller during the phone-in segment.

He mentioned that he chose to campaign for the New Patriotic Party’s presidential candidate because he believed in the policies outlined by the party and its flagbearer.

“I have no regrets about campaigning for the president and the New Patriotic Party during the 2020 general elections.

The truth is that, in elections, a person must choose a side and in 2020 when I decided to campaign for the president, I did so because the policies and goals he had for Ghana were aligned with what I wanted to see and thought was the best for Ghana.

So, I have no regrets,” Samini said and disclosed that he’ll only assess the president after the completion of his tenure.

“Even so, I am unable to make a judgment to say I have regretted it because the president is still in office and he is working for the good of Ghana. So after his term of office in power, I would look back and then judge him based on what he was able to do.” Samini explained.

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