Obaatanpa Radio Online

Does UTV not have security? – Bridget Otoo reacts to ‘thug invasion’ of UTV

Bridget Otoo

Prominent media personality Bridget Otoo has raised questions about how some people who identified themselves as members of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) invaded the studios of United Television (UTV) during the “United Showbiz” program.

She questioned why security personnel would grant access to such individuals to enter the studio while the show was ongoing and disrupt proceedings without going through any clearance.

The prominent media personality has called on the management of UTV to issue a public statement indicating how the thugs invaded the studio and clarify whether they have anything to do with the incident or not.

“So many questions. UTV needs to issue a statement to prove they didn’t know anything about this. Does UTV not have security at their station? Can anyone just walk into the UTV studio without going through any clearance? It shouldn’t be that easy to enter a TV station like that,” she wrote on her Twitter page.

Bridget Otoo further lambasted the Communications Director of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Richard Ahiagbah, for failing to apologize to Ghanaians following the party’s involvement in the thug invasion of UTV.

“Yes, I watched Richard Ahiagbah squirm about NPP’s involvement in the attempted attack on A-Plus on live TV. He didn’t apologize. He just said the party didn’t sanction it. Of course, that’s what any communicator would say, but they would pat the boys for a job well done!” she said.

She made the remarks after alleged thugs affiliated with the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) stormed the studios of UTV and abruptly halted the live broadcast of “United Showbiz.”

Approximately seven minutes into the show, which was broadcast live on GhanaWeb, voices of agitation could be heard in the background as host Mzgee introduced the program. The evident confusion on the host’s face was followed by an extended break in production before the program was eventually taken off the air.

Numerous reports that emerged after the sudden interruption of the production suggested that the show was disrupted by a group of men who entered the studios with hostile intentions.

According to the reports, the agitated individuals had entered the studio with the apparent aim of confronting Kwame A Plus, who is a regular panel member on the show.

Subsequent videos shared on social media depicted a chaotic scene within the UTV studio, with several men calling out for A Plus.

“We are waiting for A Plus today… A Plus has to explain to us why he tore our paper from the NPP party. We are here, we are waiting for A Plus. We are protecting our party property,” one of the men is heard shouting in the studio.

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