Obaatanpa Radio Online

Don’t leave, stay and serve mother Ghana – Gov’t begs nurses

Nurses and other health personnel fleeing the country for greener pastures in advanced countries have ben asked by the government to stay put and collectively serve mother Ghana.

The plea was made by Presidential Advisor on Health, Dr Anthony Nsiah-Asare who made the comment shortly after the General Secretary of the Ghana Medical Association (GMA), Dr Titus Beyuo earlier revealed that medical doctors and nurses are leaving the country in droves.

Dr Beyuo said brain drain has returned to the medical profession in Ghana and it’s worrying. He shared his views on the situation in a recent interview on TV3’s New Day saying “…as we speak, doctors, nurses are leaving this country in droves, brain drain has returned in full swing.

“I know that because I am the General Secretary of the GMA, I wont give you figures immediately,” he said when asked by host Roland Walker to mention how many have so far left the country.

He added “But I can give you some examples, I will give you a unit in one hospital I won’t name, a big hospital in Accra, from January till now, five doctors have left that unit

“We need to do something about it deliberate in this country.”

Likewise, Dr Nsia Asare recently addressed nurses and other health professionals during the International Nurses Day, in Accra on Thursday May 12, saying; “I think the unethical way that the developed countries are trying to take our scarce health resources of this country is not the right thing to do.

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