Obaatanpa Radio Online

Don’t Think I’m Coming To Stop Corruption–Special Prosecutor Tells Ghanaian

Special Prosecutor

The Special Prosecutor, Lawyer Kissi Agyebeng, has said his appointment into office as the Special Prosecutor does not mean he can stop corruption in the country but he will make it very costly for anyone who wants to venture into it.

“My strategy is that Honourable Chair, I’m not naive to assume that I’m coming to stop corruption. There is no way I can stop corruption. God himself will not even acclaim to that. But I’m going to make corruption very costly; very, very costly to engage in, in terms of conflict of interest” he said.

The Special Prosecutor nominee made these remarks when he appeared before the Parliamentary vetting committee today July, 22.

Responding to a question asked by Tamale South MP Haruna lddrisu on strategies he will put in place to fight conflict of interest, Kissi Agyebeng indicated that corruption is something that God himself cannot stop but, he will make it a risky path for anyone to venture.

According to the Special Prosecutor nominee, when given the nod, he will institute a new policy called “Pressure for Progress”, under which there will be a systemic review of all public agencies; public sector institutions and the development of integrity plan.”

Mr Agyebeng explained that with the Pressure for Progress policy, the SP office should be able to establish its own corruption perception index whereby state agencies can be ranked based on
certain corruption indicators.

He quizzed “why can’t we have our own corruption perception index, for instance? why can’t I rank public sector agencies against each other? And at the end of the year, publicise the results as to which institution is performing well and which institution is not performing well. In that point, if the head of an institution…and persistently your institution is drawing the short straw in terms of perception of corruption from the point of view of experts, from the point of view of the business people, you will sit up.

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