Obaatanpa Radio Online


The Dress A-Kid Foundation (DAK), a group of volunteers, hadonated food items, detergents and other necessities to the Volta School for the Deaf and Blind Hohoe in the Volta Region of Ghana.

The donation, which took place on Monday, May 1, 2023, forms part of the group’s commitment to contribute to the wellbeing of children, especially those in rural areas or with special needs in Ghana.

The donated items included bags of rice, maize, beans, gari, cooking oil and toiletries. Also included were bibles and clothes.

Receiving the items, the Headmistress of the Volta School for the Deaf and Blind, Madam Ophelia Kushigbor, who could not hide her joy, expressed her profound gratitude to the group for their kind gesture towards the pupils. According to her, the school was running out of food supply, so the donation was timely.

“We are extremely grateful to the Dress-A-Kid Foundation for this timely intervention. This is a huge help to our pupils, and it will go a long way to affect us positively,” she said.

Mad. Kushigbor also appealed for more support for the school.  

“The Volta School for the Deaf and Blind is a public school that helps to train children who have hearing and speech impairment as a well as ones with visual impairment. Many of the students come from low income. We humbly appeal to other organizations to also come to our aid,she noted. 

Speaking on behalf of the volunteers, Mrs. Anita Mensah said this donation to the school is just one example of the many ways in which others can help in making a positive impact in the communities around them.

This initiative is a way of telling the world that we don’t need excess before we can reach out and by extension exhibit that with combined efforts and resources, we can be the change that we seek. This is about our 30th donation since our inception in 2013, and our second time at the Volta School for the Deaf.”

Mrs. Anita Mensah also thanked WATS, a Rana Motors sister company and SRSA (Dunlop tyres) for supporting the donation with a Hyundai bus and other travelling expenses of the volunteers from Accra to Hohoe and back.  

Dress-A- Kid Foundation is an online charity group made up of friends who believe in the spirit of giving. Through their efforts, many children in different parts of the country, have been given the tools they need to succeed and thrive, both in the classroom and beyond.

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