Obaatanpa Radio Online

Election 2024: Business operators in Koforidua express optimism about NDC’s 24-hour economy

NDC’s 24-hour economy

Business owners in New Juaben South Constituency in Koforidua in the Eastern region, comprising timber operators, phone dealers and mechanics have revealed how permit denials by regulatory bodies, high taxes and harassment experienced under the New Patriotic Party (NPP) government have crippled their business and threatened their livelihoods.

The affected groups have expressed optimism about the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) proposed 24-hour economy hoping it becomes the game changer to alleviate their current plights.

Over 400 timber market operators at the Koforidua Timber Market say the persistent harassment and permit denials from the Forestry Commission are directly undermining their businesses which is their only source of livelihoods.

Phone dealers in Koforidua also have voiced concerns over high import duties and taxes on mobile phones, as well as frequent police arrests for selling refurbished phones.

They also cited the increasing illegal participation of foreigners in retail and phone repair businesses as a major worry which government has failed to address despite a series of aggressive encounters with these foreigners engaging in retail trade.

These comments by their leaders were made known during an encounter with the National Youth Wing of the NDC led by the National Youth Organiser of NDC, George Opare Addo, and his entourage.

When the team moved the 24-hour campaign to Mechanics at Koforidua Ada Magazine, the mechanics revealed their daily struggles with the rising cost of spare parts, making their services increasingly unaffordable and hence not frequently patronized by customers.

Mr Addo assured that John Dramani Mahama plans to eliminate nuisance taxes imposed on imported goods by the current government, aiming to lower import duties and reduce prices for items such as mobile phones and spare parts.

He described the proposed “24-Hour Economy” policy as a transformative measure that will provide a conducive environment for businesses to operate around the clock, enhancing production and creating more job opportunities for the youth.

The New Juaben South Parliamentary Candidate for the NDC, Dr Martin Offei Otu on his part pledged to collaborate with investors to add value to the timber industry by developing new wood products from sawdust, offering additional sources of income for operators.

The two-day campaign event climaxed with a “24-hour Economy Walk” in collaboration with the New Juaben South Constituency of the party, where NDC supporters gathered in large numbers.

Various speakers, including Deputy National Youth Organizer Osman Abdulai Ayariga, criticized the current government and pledged a vigorous campaign leading up to the December 7 elections which will make the country uncomfortable and ungovernable for the government in power.

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