Obaatanpa Radio Online


Civil Society organizations is calling on the Electoral Commission to reflect on it’s recent actions in ensuring that the principles of Transparency and fairness are upheld as far as the 2024 elections are concerned.

To the group the round rejection of the recent weird decision by the Electoral Commission not to allow agents of political parties to observe the ongoing voter transfer exercise is unnecessary and only reaffirms the wrong public perception of EC’s entrenched determination to aid the ruling NPP government.

Speaking at a press conference, executive director for Community Focus Foundation(CFF-GHANA), Richard Kasu opined that the misconduct of EC officials during the Kumawu by-election and the alleged usage of NPP executives as Presiding officers during the recent Ejisu by-election cast a shadow of doubt on the neutrality of the commission as an Electoral arbiter.

According to him,the allegations are not helping but courting public disaffection and anger for the person of the Chairperson and the entire commission adding that it will be in the interest of the commission to clear the doubts in the minds of the Ghanaian masses.

Richard Kasu therefore called on the government Electoral stakeholders and development partners especially the European Union(EU) to take special interest in the early warning signs preceding the Ghanaian election to help address same for free and fair elections.

On the other hand, the Coordinator for Democratic Credential Network,Felix Best Agorvor has stated that EC must be free, fair and transparent, saying the commission should implement decision being taken at IPAC meeting by various political parties.

He added that the Electoral Commission must constantly engage the press to let Ghanaians know the happenings within the commission to clear doubts on the minds of the citizens about EC wanting to aid NPP break the 8years jinx in Ghanaian politics.

According to him elections are not war where someone goes to the battlefield and therefore constant engagement with key stakeholders(Political parties) will help reduce tension for peace to prevail before, during and after every elections.

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