Obaatanpa Radio Online

Everything is increasing except salaries – Lydia Forson

Lydia Forson has added her voice to the worsening condition of the ordinary citizen under the tutelage of Nana Akufo Addo as prices of goods and services keep skyrocketing.

Her comment follows the shocking revelation made by the management of the Ghana Water Company (GWCL) has proposed to the Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC) to increase water tariffs.

This was preceded by the same announcement made by the Ghana Electricity of Ghana which intends to have proposed a 148% increment for 2022.

The power distribution company is apparently seeking upward adjustment of its tariff in order to reduce the frequent power outage which is popularly known as dumsor.

“The objective underpinning this Tariff Proposal is to obtain a cost-reflective tariff that will enable GRIDCo improve the service levels and quality thresholds, and importantly enhance the company’s sustainability.

It has become increasingly expensive to maintain the legacy assets and upgrade the transmission infrastructure to reduce congestions within the National Interconnected Transmission System (NITS),” GRIDCo said in the proposal.

In this regard, the outspoken Ghanaian actress said apart from everything rising astronomically, salaries have remained the same. “Everything is increasing except salaries,” she said in a fresh post shared on Twitter.

Agreeing to the post, @Mr_Dadzie tweeted wrote. “Chale… I don’t think I can survive on my salary till the month-end even. Hot y3mi ooh“,

@KingLexis9 adding that “how are we gonna survive this if everything keeps increasing except wanna salaries, Ghana hard rough”.

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