Obaatanpa Radio Online

Extradition: Why Hajia4Reall was allowed to board her own vehicle to the airport, wasn’t picked up like a criminal


Parts of Hajia4Reall’s court statement, disclosed how the police in London permitted her to pick her own transport to the Heathrow airport, on the day she was extradited to the United States for trial.

It was expected, that just like every other suspect, Hajia will be picked up from her residence by the police, handcuffed and accompanied to the airport.

But in her case, she transported herself freely based on the premise that she has been on her best behavior ever since she was arrested.

This was detailed in her court statement, which has been cited by Kofi Adoma Nwawanni.

Hajia4Reall, who is currently on bail in the U.S, made this disclosure while seeking to earn the judge’s trust and convince him to ease the bail conditions.

“When they told her on May 15, that she will be extradited to the US, she did not refuse. She did not resist arrest, although she knew she’ll be jailed. When it was time for her to be arrested and extradited, she even told the police that they should permit her to transport herself to the airport. She said she doesn’t want the case where she’ll be handcuffed, dragged, with sirens all over, and because the police in London knew she has been of good conduct, they allowed,” Kofi Adomah stated on his KofiTV channel.

However, the court failed to grant Hajia4Reall’s requests based on the fact that she isn’t a U.S citizen.

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