Obaatanpa Radio Online

Former President Mahama Appeals To Ghanaians To Cooperate With Ghana Statistical Service Officials

Former President Mahama with census official

Former President John Mahama has appealed to Ghanaians to cooperate with officials of the Ghana Statistical Service in the ongoing population and housing census.

The former President said it is the civic responsibility of every Ghanaian to ensure they are enumerated.

Speaking to the media after his interaction with the census official at his residence, President Mahama explained that the data generated from the census will serve as vital statistics to guide policy formulation for national development.

“It is necessary to know how many people live in your country accurately so you can make better provisions in terms of social amenities, in terms of how the economy is managed and in terms of how development is spread so that everybody gets a fair share of the national cake,” he stated.

He urged Ghanaians to open their doors and welcome the enumerators when they come to conduct the census.

“Please, when the census officers get to your house, welcome them and answer the very simple questions and let’s have a perfect count.”

Chief Census Methodologist Owusu Kagya gave an assurance that the law mandates and requires that all information collected would be kept confidential and solely for census purposes.

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