Obaatanpa Radio Online

Franklin Cudjoe backs calls for resignation of BoG Governor

Franklin Cudjoe

The founder and president of IMANI Africa, Franklin Cudjoe has backed calls for the resignation of the Governor of the Bank of Ghana (BoG), Dr Ernest Addison, and his two deputies.

Dr Addison and his deputies have been accused of gross mismanagement of the central bank over the GHc60 billion loss by the bank.

Speaking in an interview on the aftermath of the #OccupyBoGProtest on The Big Issue on Citi TV on Saturday, Mr Cudjoe said “The argument essentially is that he should resign and indeed he should resign.”

“I think it is a settled argument for me right now for the simple reason that he superintended a very reckless exercise of financing the recklessness of the government.”

Meanwhile, Dr Addison has dismissed calls by the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the Minority caucus in Parliament for him to resign.

In an interview with the international business website, Central Banking, he opined that he is not stepping down, describing the protest by the NDC as “completely unnecessary.”

“The Minority in parliament have many channels to channel their grievances in civilized societies, not through demonstrations in the streets as hooligans,” Addison added in reference to the #OccupyBoGProtest.

The protest was held last Tuesday to denounce the economic crisis as a result of what the protesters termed poor monetary policy by the BoG.

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