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GFA Unveils Malta Guinness As Headline Sponsor For Women’s Premier League

The Ghana Football Association has announced Ghana’s biggest non-alcoholic brewed malt beverage, Malta Guinness as the official Sponsor of the Women’s Premier League.

The GHc10 million worth sponsorship deal, spans a period of three years, starting from the 2022/2023 season.

The Marketing Director of Guinness Ghana, Estella Muzito, stressed on the massive influence of football in Ghana “Football in Ghana is an incredible unifier which connects people from all walks of life, daily. From the street corners to the hallways of big corporates, football conversations and matches bring joy and inspire greatness among people,”.

She added that, “Malta Guinness’ decision to sponsor the Women’s Premier League in Ghana is in line with our mission to fuel a world of good. The incredibly talented women who play the game, the officials, the Football Association and the fans will be energized in their support of their favourite teams and Malta Guinness will be there to refresh them all the way.”

The GFA President, Kurt Edwin Simeon-Okraku on his part commended the partnership and reiterated how the FA’s commitment to ensuring a successful competition is reaping results.
“The leadership of the Ghana Football Association has shown commitment to the growth of the Women’s Football for which reason we increased the number of participating teams from 16 to 20. Another timely intervention from the GFA was to supply free footballs and other valuable equipment to these clubs. We enrolled players on the YEA for monthly allowances and also made the matches in the Women’s Premier League available on Max TV.

“I am filled with joy announcing this landmark agreement with Malta Guinness. I would like to thank the management of Guinness Ghana for believing in my leadership and choosing to work with us. The Ghana Football Association will continue to project our brands to make it attractive to corporate Ghana and the world at large. In passing, I want to call on other companies to emulate this example and come on board to help develop and grow the sport”. The president added.

The Corporate Relations Director of Guinness Ghana, Sylvia Owusu-Ankomah added that, “we are delighted to partner the GFA in this dream of bringing back the love of the Women’s game. Guinness Ghana has a long-standing history of supporting football in Ghana. Today, we are excited to yet again, chart a new partnership with the GFA with this agreement and are committed to the progressive portrayal of women across all spheres of life and this sponsorship with our premium brewed nonalcoholic brand, Malta Guinness, is just one of the ways to illustrate that commitment.”

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