Obaatanpa Radio Online

Ghana Army Is Useless In The World : Barker Vormawor

Oliver Barker-Vormawor

A convener of the #FixTheCountry movement, Oliver Mawuse Barker-Vormawor, has directed his attention to the Ghana Armed Forces.

Position that the Ghana Army is useless, even though he has not been provoked in any way.

Vormawor who is a youthful group convener and claims to be non-partisan and non-political aimed at mobilizing thousands of Ghanaians for demonstrations said the Ghana Armed Forces lack a humane face in its own home and territory.

In an interview on ‘Unprovoked’ via YouTube, he accused the Ghana Army of painting a false narrative to outsiders while showing a violent side back home.

He urged the army to act like their colleagues in other countries.

He said: “People in this country absolutely fear the Ghana Army and that’s a useless army… they are not a pillar of our democracy and it must undergo reforms on itself. The fact that military personnel holds guns does not mean that in a democracy, we must create a taboo around institutions and I don’t believe in that.”

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