Obaatanpa Radio Online

Ghana’s Former First Lady honored for her role in women policing

The Former First Lady, Nana Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings has been honored by the Ghana Police Service for her contributions to women policing in Ghana.

Mrs. Rawlings’s contributions brought about reforms in the service resulting in females who hitherto ended their rank at Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) being promoted further to Commissioner just like their male counterparts.

Her instrumentality also led to female policewomen attending United Nations (UN) missions in other countries which is being witnessed in other jurisdictions.

In view of this, the Police Ladies Association (POLAS) at the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of female policing in Ghana honored her for her meritorious contributions to the service.

The one-month-long celebration was on the theme: “Celebrating 70 years of Female Policing in Ghana, Her Evolution and Future”

Women policing was made up of 12 women during its inception in 1952. Currently, there are 12,454 Women in the Service, constituting about 29 percent of the total strength of the Ghana Police Service.

Meanwhile, Commissioner of Police (COP) (Rtd) Jane Donkor, who is the first woman to become Deputy Commissioner of Police, the First Woman to become Commissioner of Police and the First Present of the Police Ladies Association in delivering her address thanked the Lord for guiding them through 70 years in policing.

“From the humble beginning of us who started on September 1st,1952 (70 years ago), the service was all men and never thought about women but we believe the late Kwame Nkrumah was wise to enlist women into the service so we had the first 12 women,” she noted.

She noted that 12 women paved the way which is the reason they find themselves here, adding that, when they celebrated their 50th anniversary in 2002 all 12 were alive, but sadly when they celebrated 60 and 70 we were only 3 left.

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