Obaatanpa Radio Online

Gomoa East District Assembly Bans Land Guard Activities

The Gomoa East District Assembly’s District Security Council (DISEC) has announced that they will no longer allow Landguards to storm construction sites to extort money for digging, painting, and roofing.

The Assembly claimed that the problem of Landguards appeared to be upsetting them and that all inhabitants were succumbing to a decline in investment from investors into the district.

Landguard activities have been permanently outlawed in the district, according to a press conference conducted today at the Assembly premises in Gomoa Potsin by District Chief Executive (DISEC) and Disec Chairman, Hon. Solomon Darkoh – Quarm.

Speaking to Mireku nyampong he disclosed that, the decision have been necessary to release stress developers, and builders goes through after purchasing their piece of land and it is also in consultation with Nananom in Gomoa Communities where the issues normally emanates.

Hon Solomon Darko-Quarm said, this decision was taking with the Nananom in the various Communities which fall under Gomoa East.

The DCE have however charged all residents to consider liaising with the Assembly whenever they want to carry anything relating to construction for proper direction to be taken to help streamline the system.

He however charge the youths who engage themselves in such Activities to desist before they get themselves in trouble.

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