Obaatanpa Radio Online

GREEN GHANA: St. Brother Andre SHS allocates 100 acres of land for tree planting exercise

Students and staff from Saint Brother Andre Senior High School at Opeikuma in the Central region have embarked on a tree planting exercise today.

This is in line with the government of Ghana’s Green Ghana Project, an occasion earmarked to plant 5 million trees across the country in one day, to curb deforestation and global warming.

Speaking at the opening of the occasion the headmaster of the school, Brother Anthony Dadzie expressed delight that his school is participating in such a worthy cause. In admonishing the participating students, Brother Anthony emphasized that nature is life and that all life is embedded in nature so there is the need to protect and preserve it.

He, however, bemoaned the current rate at which nature is being destroyed and urged his students to make planting trees a continual habit.

Madam Faustina Animah, Director at the Forestry Commission in Winneba who shared her vision of having a forest before her tenure expires, revealed to obaatanparadioonline.com that it took the Commission almost a month to nurture and distribute 5 million plant seedlings across the country.

She also bemoaned the indiscriminate felling of trees for building and construction purposes. She added that stringent punishment would be given to individuals or groups of people who fell down trees without any proper accreditation.

Ending her statement with the popular maxim, “When the last tree dies the last man also dies”, the District Director of the Forestry Commission advised Ghanaians to plant and care for trees to ensure continuity of life.

Caring for trees

The headmaster of the school, Brother Anthony Dadzie assured Ghanaians that the authority of the school has specifically earmarked about 92 acres of land for this purpose and that he personally will incorporate the caring for the trees into the extra-curriculum activities of the school.

Mrs. Anima also added that for every tree that has been planted, there are GPS trackers on it that will monitor the development of the trees. Should there be a case where some of the trees die, the commission would be able to track and replace them.

Hawa Koomson sparks excitement

Hon. Mavis Hawa Koomson kneels to plant her seedling

The Member of Parliament for Awutu Senya East Constituency, Hon. Mavis Hawa Koomson was the surprise guest who graced the occasion.

She advised the students to take their education seriously, and also urged them to care for the trees that have been planted.

The occasion saw the Fisheries and Aquaculture Development Minister, the District Director of the Forestry Commission, and the staff and students from the school take turns to plant the trees.

In all, a total of 5 different trees including Mahogany, Wawa, and Casia were planted 3 meters apart.


Source: Obaatanparadioonline.com


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