Obaatanpa Radio Online

How my bestie secretly gifted my boyfriend every item I wanted to buy for his birthday – Lady reveals


A young woman who goes by the handle humancentipeachh on TikTok has detailed how she revealed some private information to her best friend, only to have her use it to try to get her boyfriend.

She acknowledged that she had decided to show her best friend the gifts she had bought for her boyfriend’s birthday. But her bestie went shopping and got everything on the list behind her back.

Then, before the girlfriend had a chance to do the same, she hastened to give her friend’s boyfriend those presents for his birthday.

“When I showed my best friend the list of gifts I planned on getting my man for his birthday and she bought all of the items and gifted it to him before me”, the lady wrote. Humancentipeach added; ”I got to save my money so thanks I guess😂


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