Obaatanpa Radio Online

I didn’t complain while in gov’t because the time wasn’t right – Alan

Alan Kyeremete

Former Trade Minister, Alan Kyeremeten has indicated that even though he was aware of the challenges faced by the Ghanaian people, he could not have vented because he was a senior member of the government.

He says the problems were glaring for everyone to see, but he had to get out of government to be able to make them known.

Alan Kyrematen was speaking on Accra-based TV3 when he made this known.

He said, “Is that what you expect a founding member of the party to do? That if there are challenges in the party, I come out openly to speak about them? For whose benefit? If I’m part of a group at the very senior level, I don’t think it’s appropriate for me to come out to criticize the government when I’m aware of the challenges and whatever is going on.

As I said, I’ve been a senior member of the party, and the last thing I would do is claim that I had no knowledge of whatever was going on. I was aware of everything, but I’m suggesting to you that it is not appropriate,” he said.

Alan Kyerematen further indicated “I think that there is time for everything, and there is a process when you need to do anything about governance. When you need to speak about an issue, you find the appropriate time to speak about especially when you’re aware of the circumstances that have given rise to the situation that you find yourself in”.

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