Obaatanpa Radio Online

I had prostate cancer last year and I wasn’t aware – KSM discloses


Well-known Ghanaian media personality Kweku Simtim-Misa also known as KSM has disclosed how he suffered from prostate cancer without knowing.

KSM disclosed that the deadly cancerous disease stayed in his body without knowing in 2021 although he was fit and had no symptoms until he went for a regular check-up at the hospital.

Recounting the incident in an interview with Joy News, KSM disclosed that he is glad the cancer was detected earlier and removed on time.

“I thought I was healthy. I thought I was fit until I went for a checkup.

“Fortunately for me, I have insurance in the states accruing and I had all the prostrate removed, after diagnosis. After the test, the doctor called and told me that my prostrate has been enlarged but I shouldn’t worry. It is something black men 50 years and above face,” he stated.

KSM advised the public to do regular checkups in order to detect any hidden ailment that will cause any health complications in the future.

“You might think you are fit. You might think your vitals are good but there are things you can never be aware of. Only checkups can reveal. don’t get to a point where it gets too late.”

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