Obaatanpa Radio Online

I now buy a ball of kenkey at 3 cedis, Ghana is hard – 71-year-old retiree cries at demonstration

A 71-year-old pensioner, who worked in the civil service (AMA, as a purchasing clerk) in Ghana, joined the Arise Ghana demonstration in Accra, over what he terms ‘the country is not working’.

Paa Kwasi disclosed that this is the second time he is witnessing severe economic hardship in Ghana but the current situation tops all.

Speaking to a Metro TV reporter monitored by MyNewsGh.com, the senior citizen expressed his frustration noting that current economic hardship has made it difficult for him to fend for himself.

‘‘I am here because the country is not moving well. I am suffering, I should be on pension but I still go to do small small work. When you stay in the house you can’t eat. At my age I am in Alajo you buy kenkey at 3 cedis, so I am suffering I have to see what the government can do for us. I am a pensioner’’

‘‘Transportation is unbearable, I can’t afford it, from Alajo to Accra is 3: 50pesewsa I can’t afford it daily.’’

‘‘When I am travelling for a funeral to Saltpond I usually pay 15 cedis, but now its 35 cedis, in and out is about 70 cedis now I don’t travel again. The situation is now unbearable.’’

‘’I earn 300 cedis as pension monthly, but it does not come regularly, they toss you when you go for it. The government must come down and see to the masses, something must be done to bring relief to we the old men and women’ the retired civil servant bemoaned.

The two-day demonstration by pressure group Arise Ghana is set to begin by midday today Tuesday, June 28, 2022.

The group will be converging at the Obra Circle between 12 pm and 3 pm before embarking on their march which they say will drag into the night.

The court has however directed them to begin the march by 8 am and end at 4 pm but the group says they have filed for a stay of execution which cancels out the directive of the court.

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