Obaatanpa Radio Online

Institutions ‘approached’ with Serwaa Broni matter – Parliament, CID, CHRAJ

Serwaa Broni

Government is yet to formally respond to the Serwaa Broni saga in which allegations of impropriety were made against National Security operatives purportedly acting on the orders of the president.

Ghanaian-Canadian Evelyn Aidoo, alias Serwaa Broni in a recent interview with US-based journalist Kevin Taylor, alleged that National Security operatives had staged an armed robbery attack on her.

According to her, the move was to retrieve some private materials she had about the president, who she alleged she used to be in an amorous relationship with.

In the wake of the interview, two state institutions have been petitioned formally to act on her allegations, while another institution was reportedly seized with the issue since last year.

GhanaWeb looks at the three state institutions and the extent of their involvement in the issue

Parliament petitioned by three pro-NDC activists

Issifu Seidu Kudus Gbeadese, Elikem Kotoko and Stephen Kwabena Attuh have in an April 21, 2022 petition addressed to Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin, asked that impeachment proceedings be instituted against President Akufo-Addo over the allegations of Serwaa Broni.

According to them, the allegations, if proven to be true, would amount to “human rights abuse, abuse of office, exposing the security of Ghana to external threat…” as well as “…dragging the name of the high office of Presidency into disrepute”.

The three, in their petition, took inspiration from Article 41 (a), (b) and (f) of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana to uphold and defend the Constitution.

They further stated they believe the allegations levelled against the President established sufficient grounds for the invocation of Article 69(1) of the Constitution, 1992.

ASEPA write to CHRAJ

The group, Alliance for Social Equity and Public Accountability, through its Executive Secretary, Mensah Thompson, had also petitioned the Commission for Human Rights and Administrative Justice, CHRAJ, to probe and if need be, start impeachment processes over the Serwaa Broni issue.

In the petition sighted by GhanaWeb, ASEPA wants specific allegations of abuse of office, human rights abuse, and criminal misconduct as alleged by Serwaa Broni to be looked into.

“Among other things ASEPA is requesting CHRAJ to investigate the President on Abuse of Office, Human Rights Violations, and Criminal Misconduct contrary to the Code of Conduct for Public Officers.

“These allegations if proven would be enough grounds to commence impeachment proceedings against the President,” the petition dated April 21, 2022, read in part.

Active CID docket on Serwaa Broni

Security analyst, Adam Bonaa, is also on record to have stated that the Police Criminal Investigations Department, CID, has opened a docket over the alleged attack on Serwaa Broni since last year.

In an interview this week with Starr FM, Bonaa said the docket was inherited by the current CID boss, Ken Yeboah when he took over the office.

“I have checked and I’m reliably informed that there’s a docket on Serwaa Broni at the Police headquarters. The current CID boss, Ken Yeboah, inherited the docket on the alleged attack. My expectation is by now he would have spoken to the issue of criminality especially as the President’s name is mentioned,” he said on the Morning Starr programme.

He noted the national security minister should have addressed the issue by now since the President, who has been accused, is the head of the National Security Council.

“I think by now the National security should be addressing this matter. The President is the chairman of the national security council and his name is being mentioned and no statement is being issued. The national security should have spoken to it long ago”.

Minority wades into the issue

The Minority in Parliament via a statement signed by leader Haruna Iddrisu, has also hinted at looking into the allegation of “abuse of office, human right violations and conduct which bring seeks to bring the high office of President of Ghana into disrepute.”

Portions of the statement read “the NDC Caucus has consequently requested and obtained a copy of the full interview in issue for further study, transcription and legal analysis”.

The caucus gave assurance that it would inform the public of its next line of action after reviewing the interview.


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