Obaatanpa Radio Online

Jaw-jaw to find lasting solution to Prof Mills’ autopsy – Ekumfi chief to feuding factions

Ekumfi Traditional Area

The Paramount Chief of Ekumfi Traditional Area, Odeefo Akyin VIII, has urged the feuding parties requesting the autopsy report of the late President John Evans Atta-Mills to come together to find lasting solutions to the impasse.

There has been controversy surrounding the whereabouts of an autopsy report on the death of Prof. Mills, popularly called ‘Asomdwee hene’.

He described the recent back-and-forth wrangling surrounding the late President’s autopsy as ‘disgraceful and disgusting’, arguing that it disintegrates the family.

“The Nananom of Ekumfi believe that if the extended or any member of the family has issues with the report, they could jaw-jaw with the immediate family to have their disagreement settled once and for all, instead of the recurring media banter. Nananom wish to state that the raging back-and-forth wrangling is not just appalling but also disgraceful and disgusting; projecting the family as a disintegrated one,” Odeefo Akyin VIII said this at a press conference on Monday.

The family of the late former President, Professor John Evans Fiifi Atta Mills, on January 13, 204, asked President Akufo-Addo to provide them with the late president’s autopsy report.

They expressed concern over the unknown cause of his death and emphasized the importance of obtaining the report for closure and historical records.

Odeefo Akyin VIII lamented the lack of collaboration between Prof Mills’ siblings and the state to put the issue to rest, stating that ‘some narratives and aspersions do robe us in and often cast some innuendoes that directly and negatively affect us as Nananom’.

“Ordinarily, since Professor Mills died while still serving the country as a President and also as a statesman, with immediate siblings and families still alive, we, the Nananom of Ekumfi, would have loved to stay back and allow his family clan and particularly his siblings to effectively collaborate with the state to put the issue to rest, so our dear Professor could rest in peace. But it does appear that some narratives and aspersions do robe us in and often cast some innuendoes that directly and negatively affect us as Nananom and people of Ekumfi,” he complained.

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