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Jimmy Kimmel Fires Back at Trump for Calling TV hosts ‘Untalented Fools’

Jimmy Kimmel

American television host and comedian has fired back at former President Donald Trump for calling television hosts “untalented fools”.

Donald Trump had earlier taken to his Twitter page to lambast show hosts and described them as “untalented fools”. He questioned why hosts are paid so much money and added that they are a total joke.

“Wow, those TRUMP Hating Late Night Network ‘Shows’ are doing really badly… The worst ratings that those time slots have had (in Television History!).

Why are the untalented fools who ‘host’ paid so much?” Trump asked. “Does the DNC make a contribution as a wing of the Democrat Party? They are all a total joke – Not Talent, No Laughs!”Trump wrote.

Responding to Donald Trump, Jimmy Kimmel said on his show, “ Remember Donald Trump? He used to be president?” Jimmy Kimmel asked during his late-night monologue Monday night. “I guess he woke up on the wrong side of the tanning bed this morning because he started the day today by lashing out at talk show hosts.”

“Wow, you’d think being the father of Eric and Don Jr. he’d have more sympathy for ‘untalented fools,’” the host joked. He did admit that he and his fellow network late-night hosts “make a lot of money,” adding, “And you know what we do with that money? We pay taxes on it!”.

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