Obaatanpa Radio Online

Kwame Bediako “Cheddar” to contest for 2024 elections?

Kwame Bediako


The NPP/NDC over the years has failed to unite the country and therefore it’s time we end their divisive politic to give way for a new face with fresh thinking to save our Nation’s political future.

Under the 33years of unproductive NPP/NDC politic, we don’t have a written National Policy Documents on education, health, agriculture, housing, roads, jobs as a Nation. what we do have is a National Policy on NPP/NDC Unnationalistic political achievements and parliamentary system without the people’s voice.

Our future as a developing Nation is therefore under a very serious threat due to the divisive politic, reckless spending/borrowing, continues mismanagement of our country’s resources, unemployment, insecurity and the destruction of our water bodies and forests by both NPP/NDC Party which call for a dramatic change in our political Leadership come 2024 general elections.

Therefore, the New Ghana Network in consultation with youth groups and the good people of Ghana on the future of our Nation’s political leadership and their role toward its socio-economic transformation and development come 2024 and beyond

The youth of Ghana has spoken and declare 2024 as a year of creating a New Ghana where unity, patriotism and national agenda shall be the core principles of the system to unite us together to promote and accelerate our socio-economic growth and national development as a people

We are therefore proud and excited to announce that, after a lot of engagement also on the matter of who then lead Ghana in 2024 to inspire the youth to be patriotic, hard work and selfless in serving their Nation. There was one Obvious Choice for the PEOPLE come 2024 general elections.

HE is young, selfless, patriotic, visionary, dynamic and above all a UNIFIER who believes in Maximization and Development of his people. He is Mr. KWAME BEDIAKO (Freedom Jacob Caesar) the News Face for Ghana’s political Unity and Industrial Revolution. THE PEOPLE’S CHOICE.

Historic Background of KWAME BEDIAKO Candidature

Ghana is into three establishment formed together to attain its socio-economic Freedom, first been the Republic led by the late President and Founder of Ghana Dr. Kwame Nkrumah (vision) whiles the second establishment which is Political also led by the late President Flt Ft Jerry John Rawlings (conviction)

So, 2024 marks the end of the political establishment and time for the Economic Freedom (third establishment) to emerge to facilitate Ghana’s quest to Industrialize through civil participation and dialogue. Mr. Kwame Bediako (unity) is the Economic Freedom and he is here to lead us toward prosperity

Therefore, Kwame Bediako remains the only HOPE for Ghana to inspire, unite and recruit best and selfless brains in the country to maximize our progress as a people. Arise the youth and good people of Ghana, Kwame Bediako is the man for 2024

KWAME BEDIAKO 2024 ‘THE PEOPLE’S CHOICE’ YE KURA MU is a winning slogan for our national unity and progress with 70% victory endorsement by the good people of Ghana

We humbly extend an invitation to all other youth groups, market women, students unions, organized labor, pensioners, media and Ghanaian everywhere to join hands and be part of making history for Ghana toward building an inspiring, strong and industrious Nation through Jobs creation

And to you Mr. Kwame Bediako, this is a national call to lead your people to end the divisive rule by the NPP/NDC and to unite us for the future.

We thank all for your patriotism and unity through the spirit of activism for the endorsement of KwameBediako2024 ‘THE PEOPLE’S CHOICE’ YE KURA MU Campaign and making him the UNIFIER

Long Live Ghana, Long Live Kwame Bediako, Long Live Good People of Ghana.

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