Obaatanpa Radio Online

Mahama Reports Prez Akufo-Addo To Commonwealth Over Abandoned Projects

Former President John Dramani Mahama has reported President Akufo-Add to the UK’s Commonwealth Parliamentarians that his government has brazenly abandoned projects that were started by the past administration.

According to Mr.Mahama, the practice of abandoned projects is an affront to Ghana’s Constitution.

Mr. Mahama said these when leadership of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association UK (CPA UK) visited and held discussions with him in Accra.

The former President whom during his tenure dumped a lot of projects initiated by Ex-President John Agyekum Kufuor claimed the level of abandoned projects under the Akufo-Addo has never been witnessed before under previous governments.

He lamented that “We didn’t see it as brazenly in other governments. It is something that is with this particular [Akufo-Addo/Bawumia] government”.

The Members of the CPA UK are in Accra for a Trade and Security Workshop for the UK and African parliamentarians to explore how parliaments can address trade and security issues in the context of unexpected external events like COVID-19.

Led by the Cardiff South and Penarth Member of Parliament, Stephen Doughty, who represents the Labour Party, the delegation discussed with the former president issues of sub-regional security, effects of COVID-19 on the economy, affirmative action, and the role of women in the growth of the economy, the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and the worrying issue of abandoning projects started by previous governments.

The Two Times defeated Presidential Candidate of the opposition NDC commended the UK Parliament and the CPA UK for its commitment to governmental accountability.

He however observed that Ghana has not reached “the height of democracy” that the UK epitomizes, where members of parliament could look into the face of the head of government, call him out over a wrong action and get him to feel remorseful.

Meanwhile, the Director of Communications for the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) has refuted claims by the NDC that the current NPP administration has abandoned projects started by them.

Addressing a press conference on Friday, August 20, 2021, Yaw Buaben Asamoah said the opposition party feels threatened by the ongoing projects under the current administration, hence these claims.

Source: Daily Guide

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