Obaatanpa Radio Online

Man remanded for torturing 14-year-old son

Assin-Fosu District Court

The Assin-Fosu District Court has remanded 34-year-old man in police custody, for allegedly torturing his 14-year-old son for sneaking out of the house to patro­nise activities at Game Centre.

Scheduled to reappear in court on Friday, May 19, Robert Kwame Kobi, pleaded guilty with explanation to the charge of causing harm and assault.

Unmoved by the suspect’s explana­tion, the court, presided over by Mr Abdul Majid Iliasu, ordered a psychi­atric examination to be conducted on the suspect, to ascertain his mental condition.

Prosecuting, Chief Inspector Benja­min Doe Kuwornu told the court that a passerby informed the police that the suspect had subjected the victim to torture.

This was after the victim had gone missing for two days, only for his father to find him at a Game Centre.

Chief Insp Kuwornu said Kobi, beat the boy at the Game Centre, dragged him home and continued to assault the victim.

On reaching home, the prosecution said the suspect used a cutlass to beat him and when the child could no longer endure the pain, he used both hands to grab the cutlass.

Chief Insp Kuwornu said in the ensuing struggle, Kobi pulled the cutlass from the boy’s hands, slashed his palms and brought the victim out of the room.

According to the prosecution, the suspect tied both hands and legs of the boy with a rope, smeared his body with grinded pepper and put him under the scorching sun.

Chief Insp Kuwornu said a pass­erby saw the cruel act being un­leashed on the boy by his father and reported the case to the police. — GNA


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