Obaatanpa Radio Online

My boyfriend doesn’t have time for me – Pretty Lady laments

A pretty lady has asked her friends on social media for a piece of advice on how to deal with her relationship after her boyfriend started ignoring her.

According to the anonymous woman, her partner has been refusing to speak with her, claiming to be busy.

He pays her close attention while they are together but ignores her when they are apart, she claims. In a post on social media, the lady sought netizens’ advice.

Read her story below:

“My Boyfriend Is Just Getting More Annoying These Days. He Won’t Call nor text for days, always claiming to be busy.

But anytime we see ourselves, he will turn into the sweetest guy on earth and I will feel like things should stay that way forever. But once we say bye to each other, it’s the same story until when we see again.

It’s not a long Distance Relationship as u guys may think but I don’t know whats’ stopping him from showing care through calls and texts too. He doesn’t pick up my calls too most times and that’s what I hate most.

I like clingy, I like double texts, phone calls, Good morning and Good night texts. And now, am getting tired of the relationship. I don’t know what to do, any advice ,Please?”

Do you have any advice for her?

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