Obaatanpa Radio Online

My pastor does not believe in school – Woman barring son from attending PRESEC speaks


A mother’s refusal to let her son pursue further education, despite his impressive academic achievements, has left many people stunned and questioning her motives.

In a social media post, it was revealed that the boy, having excelled in his Junior High School (JHS) exams, secured admission to the prestigious Presbyterian Boys’ Secondary School (Presec) in Legon. However, attempts to enroll him in the school have been unsuccessful.

The post highlighted that the boy was among the top students from Tema. His teachers, recognizing his potential, prepared everything needed for his enrollment, including purchasing items listed on his prospectus.

Yet, the boy’s educational journey hit a roadblock due to his mother’s firm stance against education, influenced by her religious beliefs. Her pastor has instilled in her the idea that education is futile, leading her to deny her son the opportunity to continue his schooling.

Read the full post below:

“I need your help here.

A brilliant boy called Evans has been placed in Presec, Legon. He is apparently one of the best in his JHS at Tema.

His JHS teachers have already shopped the boy’s prospectus, but failed to convince the mother to enroll him. Social welfare at Tema is aware and involved.

The mother will not enroll the boy because her new faith does not approve of education. Immediately you call to convince her, you receive a block. I am in touch with her on my other lines and with my other voices and names.

I hear she attends a church called “God’s Kingdom at Last”. I saw a handsome young man as the leader on facebook. I am struggling to establish contact with the church leader.

While I respect their faith, I believe I can have a conversation with the church leader and intercede for the boy. Someone here can also talk directly with the church leader for us.

Its been two weeks of persuasion. Let’s hope it works.

Compulsion through the law courts should be the last option. It can take forever to litigate on matters like this, as we want the boy in school early January, yet have no idea where he is being kept.

Any help?

Ghana Education Service, please preserve the boy’s placement. He will surely report next year.

See the post below:

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